UMarsha Mae wayenento yomntakwabo kwakudala. Lo dade ukhohlakeleyo wayeyibilise idick yakhe ngeefomu zakhe ezihendayo. Naxa wambamba exhuzula-wazama ukwala ukwabelana ngesondo. Kodwa ithuku lawenza umsebenzi walo waza wamthabatha emlonyeni wakhe. Isiphelo sasibukhali, kwakhona, xa le njakazi iselula yayithembisa ukubonisa uyise amabele ayo agqunywe yicum. Yhoo ngendimkrazule impundu ngomthondo wam!
Damn, yimpompo evacuum intle anayo... I really need one of those to check for air leaks in my intake manifold of my car... And intshontsho lilungile nalo, bendilikhotha incanca ndilifake kuyo yonke. imingxunya...